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I'm far from the eco-warrior I'd love to be. But being aware of small changes we can all make to make our lives a little more sustainable is very important to me. 

Here's some small things you can do to make a difference.

Do you really need that disposable plastic fork? Or is there metal cutlery back at the office?
Do you have a local produce supermarket near you? The difference between the big supermarkets and small independents is their insane use of plastic wrapping. Avocados don’t need to be cased in plastic, aubergines don’t need that shiny suit and for crying out loud deseed the pomegranate fruit and cut up your own melon!

You might get an eye-roll in the office and people might have the perception that you're some sort of vicious hippy. But I firmly believe awareness brings change. Keep going on about how much paper is being used, question the office practices of buying an insane amount of 'hand towels' when there's a hand-dryer. Recycle when you can and hover over that print button before printing out 40 pages of something you could easily read online.

Making a roast on Sunday? That chicken can go a long way. Research and get creative on using every last bit of the meat. Our roast chicken for two can often last through the rest of week!

I know the plastic bag 5p charge is old news, but sometimes we all forget. I’ve always got my trusty orange canvas on hand for anything I need to buy. It rolls up super small and can fit in my pocket if needed.

1. They look super cool and hipster. 2. A lot of independent supermarkets now offer a vending service so you don’t need to buy your oats and nuts in packaging. Get saving those jars and top them up when you need a nut fix.

Poppie Sharman